Yule Cards: Spreading warmth to the Winter Sols...
Many Pagans and Witches celebrate the festival of Yule, a time to welcome back the light and the promise of new beginnings. Learn about making your own Yule cards to...
Yule Cards: Spreading warmth to the Winter Sols...
Many Pagans and Witches celebrate the festival of Yule, a time to welcome back the light and the promise of new beginnings. Learn about making your own Yule cards to...
Veiling in Witchcraft: The Many Purposes of Vei...
In many traditions of witchcraft and the occult, wearing veils or head coverings is seen as a way to connect with the divine and to tap into one's own inner...
Veiling in Witchcraft: The Many Purposes of Vei...
In many traditions of witchcraft and the occult, wearing veils or head coverings is seen as a way to connect with the divine and to tap into one's own inner...
Celebrating Imbolc with Kids
What is Imbolc? Imbolc is typically celebrated on February 1st or 2nd and marks the beginning of spring. In modern times, Imbolc is celebrated by many members of the modern...
Celebrating Imbolc with Kids
What is Imbolc? Imbolc is typically celebrated on February 1st or 2nd and marks the beginning of spring. In modern times, Imbolc is celebrated by many members of the modern...
Celebrating Yule with Kids
As a Pagan parent how do you celebrate Winter Solstice or Yule time with your kids? Yule celebrates the time when the sun begins to return to us. It is...
Celebrating Yule with Kids
As a Pagan parent how do you celebrate Winter Solstice or Yule time with your kids? Yule celebrates the time when the sun begins to return to us. It is...
Welcome to Thrice Round Witch Shop!
Hi and welcome! I’m just beginning to get things set up here. I am adding plenty of Book of Shadows / Grimoire pages, worksheets, spells, and other goodies as downloadable...
Welcome to Thrice Round Witch Shop!
Hi and welcome! I’m just beginning to get things set up here. I am adding plenty of Book of Shadows / Grimoire pages, worksheets, spells, and other goodies as downloadable...